Count Your Blessing Each Day, Start Your Day with Greater Hope

Dec 4 , 2008

The is Hope in our country
Posted by: Ralph Yew EngTeik Post(s) by this blogger

With all the headlines in local dailies ranging from the rise of oil price, rise in inflation rates, the social and moral breakdown in our country, the rising of crime rates , investors shunning away from our country and the drop in standard of judiciary in this country; one would ask do we still have hope in this country?

My obvious reason is a definite Yes ! there is still hope in this country. Malaysia being such a unique country with its different races , diversity and culture has a blend of unique ingredient to succeed in this global arena. Our people has to rise up and be bold enough to compete with the best in the world. Our country is truly blessed with bountiful resources and geographical stability. Our fellow Malaysian must work and hand in hand as a TEAM to bring up the name of Malaysia to be a Top 10 world class country.

Our poiticians should start spending less time to argue and give constructive ideas and innovative solution to solve problem. They should have more proactive approach to excite and encourage our young malaysian to be a goal getter rather than a moaner. Now the world is in need of better leaders and innovators.

Also our Malaysian need to put God first in everthing they do; after all that’s the first line creed in our Rukun Negara , to abide in our God. We must always remember to pray for our country and give our blessings to our leaders to have the strength and courage to work for the benefits of rakyat at all times.

We as Malaysian can weather any storm and crisis if we all faith to make Malaysian a truly great nations.


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